Advice I got from John Mayer

Confession: I don’t actually know John Mayer, but I was listening to him talk about a song and he had some really interesting advice about confronting your inner bully. Check out today’s video to see what I learned!

How to Handle Body Stress

I’ve received tons of questions about body stress and how it relates to prom/Memorial Day Weekend. It’s hard to have fun when you’re worrying about what you look like. Body stress is something everyone deals with and today I’m sharing one of the most important things we can do to feel confident in our bodies!



What to do if You’re Afraid to Raise your Hand in School

I totally relate to being nervous about speaking in school! I worried about what other people thought and if I was going to sound stupid. Being in my own head really took me out of the moment. It’s hard to focus on learning when you’re terrified of being called on! Check out today’s video for an idea that really helped me.


When you Feel Pressure to be Cool

Everyone at some point has felt pressure to be cool. Whether it’s playing a certain sport, being in a certain group of friends, or going to a specific party, we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves. Check out today’s video for some relief when it comes to the stress of being cool.