Conditional Friendship

Do you have conditional friendships? If you feel like someone is only friends with you based on certain terms then this video is for you!




How One Word can Change your World

This week, I got lots of questions about being left out and actually got excluded from a hang out myself. Talk about practicing what you preach! In today’s video, I share the technique I used to help myself feel better. Also this video helps too!

What to do When You Get in a Fight with Your Best Friend

Fighting with your best friend is uncomfortable and can make you really upset. It’s hard to know what to do in this situation! Today I’m sharing my BEST tip when it comes to making up with your bff.

What to do when Someone Makes Fun of your Body

By middle school, 40-70 percent of girls are dissatisfied with two or more parts of their body, and body satisfaction hits rock bottom between the ages of 12 and 15.1  This also coincides with girls’ self-esteem peaking when they are 9 years old.2

These statistics remind me of how important it is to treat our body like our most treasured possession, but how hard it is when someone makes fun of the way we look. The world would be so boring if we all were identical. You were given your unique attributes to make you you; not so you could beat yourself up. When someone says something unkind, it’s because they’re uncomfortable with themselves. Check out my video for more tips and tricks!


How to Handle a Mean Girl

It’s been all about friendship in my groups this month where the topic of mean girls has repeatedly come up. It’s inevitable to be around someone you don’t like, but it can feel unbearable if you’re picked on. Check out my video for tips on how to handle a mean girl.

What to do when a Friend Acts Differently in a Group than she does One-on-One

This question is a total #MeToo moment because I always have girls reaching out on the topic. You have a friend that you love to spend time with one-on-one, but the second you’re in a group, the dynamic changes. Maybe she’s trying to impress boys or puts a lot of emphasis on being popular, but either way it doesn’t make you feel good. Check out the video to learn how to handle this situation because I have definitely been there!

How to Handle Criticism

Not everyone is going to like you or the things you do. This is a tough lesson, especially for me! When someone has a negative opinion it can hurt. I’ve definitely spent my fair share of time being upset over it. Criticism is unavoidable, but it can be a great way to get to know yourself better. Check out the video to hear my personal story of how I handled criticism and what you can do.



Who is in your Front Row?

During the holidays someone asked me, “Who’s in your front row?” and it really stuck with me. This question is a friendship game changer! We are a reflection of the company we keep. Check out the video to learn who’s in your front row and why it’s important. OH, and you’ll get to see a cute furry guest!






How I Stopped Gossiping

Confession: I’ve gossiped. It seems that talking about people is a normal part of girl life. We text, tweet, subtweet, Instagram things about other people… even some stuff we have no idea is true or not. In this video I shared the BIG idea that changed my view of gossip!