Stay in your Own Lane

The phrase “stay in your own lane” can be another way to tell someone to mind their own business, but today, I’m talking about it as if you’re saying it to yourself. It’s this phrase that I repeat when I find myself putting a lot of energy into others, which inevitably takes away from some of my own magic. Check out today’s video for more insight!

A Gratitude Game

If you’re going on a road trip this August, I got a game for you! We played this in my confidence camp and it was a big hit. We’re all told to think about the things we’re grateful for, but this takes it to the next level. Check out today’s video for an easy mood boosting game you can play anywhere.

What’s Your Love Language?

Did you know a quiz could be really important to your relationships? The 5 Love Languages, which profiles your emotional communication preference is beginning to become a staple in my private sessions. It’s especially useful when navigating friendships. People give and show love in different ways and sometimes you just have to look for it. Check out today’s video for how this quiz changed my life!



What to do if You’re Afraid to Raise your Hand in School

I totally relate to being nervous about speaking in school! I worried about what other people thought and if I was going to sound stupid. Being in my own head really took me out of the moment. It’s hard to focus on learning when you’re terrified of being called on! Check out today’s video for an idea that really helped me.


When you Feel Pressure to be Cool

Everyone at some point has felt pressure to be cool. Whether it’s playing a certain sport, being in a certain group of friends, or going to a specific party, we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves. Check out today’s video for some relief when it comes to the stress of being cool.

Dealing with Emotional Stress

Today, I’m sharing what an awesome yoga teacher told my class that totally changed the way I looked at emotional stress. Sometimes we judge our feelings (like we SHOULD be something or SHOULDN’T feel a certain way) when it’s possible to have many feelings at once. Check out today’s video to hear what changed my perspective!


Confident Test Taking

As part of my Test Stress Management Sessions, I see first hand how confidence is correlated to test scores. One thing we do often is second guess ourselves. This wastes time and stops us from moving onto to other questions that we might know better. Self-trust during tests is key! Today, I’m sharing a test stress #MeToo and how to have more test confidence.

How to Find your Zen

Originally published on Spire & Co

Last week, I wore my new zenned OUT tee when a stranger told me she loved the shirt, but she was the least zen person ever. “Please, I’m my own kind of zen,” I replied. 

Zen doesn’t have to be enlightenment under a Bodhi Tree or serenity in every moment.

My zen looks like dance parties. It’s talking with friends, spending time with my family, and being of service. It’s traveling, eating, and trying new things. Sometimes my zen involves tears. It’s meditative and self-explorative. It’s being energetic and calm. My zen is when I have enough self-love to not judge all the different situations and emotions that come up in my life.

Continue here.

ivivva Question #4: Balancing It All Stress

Between homework, sports, friends, and family it can seem like we don’t have enough hours in the day. Check out our last video in this Ivivva series about balancing it all!