How to Train your Brain to have a Good Day

Today, I’m getting a little personal and sharing part of my morning routine. I believe happiness is a habit. Just like we have to work at dance, sports, school, and more to deepen our practice in those subjects, we have to be willing to put in the time when it comes to happiness. Today I’m sharing my tip for training your brain to have a good day.



An Easy Way to Up your Vibe

One of the most important parts of managing stress is to figure out your inner dialogue. I’ve been working with my students on this little trick that’s a super easy way to change your energy. Check out this video for more positive vibes.





How to Keep it Real on Instagram

So many girls have told me about having their feelings hurt on other people’s finstas (fake instagram). Here are some thoughts on finstas, sub-instagramming, and being mean online.



How to be the Life of the Party

It’s a common misconception that being the life of the party means being the most outgoing person in the room. It’s not about what you look like or who can’t take their eyes off of you, it’s all about the energy you bring you into the room. Standing out in a positive way means glittering from the inside out. Got somewhere to be? Try these quick tips for lighting up a room!

 How to be the life of the party pic