How to Stop Obsessing

Everyone at one time or another gets obsessed. Whether it’s going to a certain college, stuck on being in a friend group, or wanting to get a certain grade in a class, we can get fixated on a situation working out in the exact way we want. So what happens when it doesn’t happen perfectly? Disappointment. Today I’m sharing tips for letting go when you’re obsessing!

The Best Advice my Sister Gave Me (PS Mac & Cheese is Involved)

My sister is my BFF. She constantly keeps me real and always has me laughing. When we were out to dinner the other night she told me her mac and cheese theory. It’s so good and totally relates to back-to-school, so I obviously had to share. Hope you enjoy the advice as much as I do!






Maggie in Yoga Journal


Yoga teacher Maggie DiPasquale says music is essential for setting the tone in her teen classes and offers tips for choosing songs that move teens. Get inspired by this summer playlist she created for YJ.


Yoga Journal Press Crop

Check out the full article here.

What to do when the People Around you have a Bad Attitude

It stinks when you’re excited about something and the people around you aren’t. Maybe you really like soccer practice but everyone else complains about the coach. Maybe you’re really excited about a class, but everyone is down on it. You can’t change other people, but you can help to make the situation better. Click the video to hear what to do when the people around you have a bad attitude.




Why We Need to Celebrate the Average Day

Happy holidays, Modern Mentees! What are you going to be up to? I’m excited to hang with my family, eat delicious food, catch up on sleep… and Netflix! I wanted to share today’s topic because it’s something I’m personally working on. I find, especially during the holidays, that we’re so so so busy and looking forward to lots of things that we totally forget the present moment. The present moment is so important because it’s really all we have! Check out today’s video to help you celebrate the average day.





What to do When You’re Mad at Yourself

This came up for me a million times in one week and I knew I had share. When we get mad at ourselves for feeling a certain way, we get ourselves STUCK. Today’s video is one of my favorites. Check it out!