back from college and fitting in with your family

Did you have moments over Thanksgiving break where you felt like your family operated fully without you? Maybe like the didn’t need you or that you didn’t fit in? You are not alone! In this pep talk, I chat through what the root of feeling like you don’t fit in with your family really is and how you can shift out of it!

been recently ditched? you’re not alone

Been recently ditched? If you said, yes, I’m not surprised. September is a HUGE month for friendship shifts. In this episode, I share why back to school getting left out is common, why it’s really big for college freshman, and what you can do about it.

parent pep talk: how to support your college student while they’re away at school

You get the call from your daughter at college that she’s upset and you immediately want to swoop in and come up with 10 solutions for whatever issue she’s brought up. It’s amazing to have ideas for support, but your student might actually need something different. In this pep talk, we chat about the shift from doer to supporter parenting, walk you through a real life example of how this plays out, and why you new role as advisor is so incredibly important.

what’s causing dysregulation on college campuses

Do you know what your trauma response is? That sounds heavy, but what I’m really asking is: do you know when you’re dysregulated? aka what brings us in and out of emotional wellbeing. In this pep talk, we chat how understanding the nervous system supports mental wellness for college students, the mind/body connection, where drugs and alcohol fit in, and what I’m seeing on college campuses in terms of what’s dysregulating students.

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the first myth of the college experience: “college is the best time ever”

when your expectations of college don’t meet the reality

“This isn’t what I thought it would be. I’m not sure I like college.” These are common freshman thoughts! We hear over and over again that college is the. best. time. ever. but for most, it doesn’t feel that way right off the bat. Belonging takes time! In this pep talk, we cover the expectations we have surrounding college, what the real reality of being at school is, and how to stay optimistic if you’re not loving it yet. Spoiler alert: you’re not alone! 

Any of this resonate and you want extra support? I got you: 1:1 mentoring, parent coaching, and our online membership for college freshmen . 


one way high school affects the rest of your life

what’s the story you’re telling yourself?

“I’m not good enough.” “I’m not smart enough.” “I can’t do that.” Have you ever said any of those to yourself? The stories we tell ourselves (about ourselves) are incredibly important and believe it or not for many people, a life long story you create about yourself can start during high school. In today’s pep talk, I share some common high school stories that pop up during the college process, how they affect your present, and how to change your story if you don’t love the one you’re telling yourself.

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confidence versus competence

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