bummed about online learning? try this

a meditation for acceptance

I received a message from a parent that had a student really bummed out about starting freshmen year of high school online and knew I wanted to help out. I’ve spent the last few months feeling like every day is groundhogs day and know my students feel this too because I hear about it in my sessions. She asked for an acceptance meditation  and overcoming difficulties we face with an online school year.

This meditation has been my saving grace throughout this unknown time. It’s less than 10 minutes to relax and process feelings so that you can move through and move on from discomfort. P.S. there was a thunderstorm during the recording, which I think adds perfect ambiance!

making friends in quarantine


Who are the people in your life that you tell the truth about yourself to?

This is your inner circle… 

And it’s not an easy thing to put together. During covid, community is more important than ever. I know I’ve definitely felt isolated! 

When I just graduated college, I used to go to Monday night Gabby Bernstein groups where I met a lot of people with like minded interests, but how do we do that in times of quarantine? Megan McDowell of Heartworks shares with me how to build this inner circle at 45 minutes in the podcast below. 

Creating community starts with yourself. If you’re only projecting to people that you have your shit together all the time, life is going to be very lonely. This is also why mentorship has been so important to me. Mentors are in my inner circle that meet me and accept where I’m at. 

Watch the video clip here:


full episode here:


a pep talk on navigating the unknown

I know there’s so much unknown right now (like what will Fall 2020 look like?) and how uncomfortable uncertainty can be especially for college students and recent grads who are already undergoing major transitions. You don’t just have to wait and worry until things get figured out. I actually feel there’s a lot of opportunity if you have the right support! In this pep-talk I share the tips that have helped me navigate this time of uncertainty!