How to be Interesting

Sometimes we think being cool means liking what other people like. This is TOTALLY not the case and causes a lot of unnecessary hard work. Being interesting is a lot easier than you think. Check out this video for my tips on being an interesting girl. Also this advice is especially good as you head into the first day of school! XOXO




The Best Advice my Sister Gave Me (PS Mac & Cheese is Involved)

My sister is my BFF. She constantly keeps me real and always has me laughing. When we were out to dinner the other night she told me her mac and cheese theory. It’s so good and totally relates to back-to-school, so I obviously had to share. Hope you enjoy the advice as much as I do!






Maggie in Teen Vogue

Another fun week here! Earlier in the summer, Teen Vogue asked me to share what I felt like girls needed to know the most before heading to campus. I know that I felt really nervous about starting college and I’m so happy to be a resource! BONUS: If you dig the article, I have my College Prep video here. All the BEST tips!


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Maggie in Yoga Journal


Yoga teacher Maggie DiPasquale says music is essential for setting the tone in her teen classes and offers tips for choosing songs that move teens. Get inspired by this summer playlist she created for YJ.


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Check out the full article here.

How to get over Embarrassment

Embarrassment. I brought this up in my Group Mentoring a couple weeks ago and it sparked a really great conversation with my students. We try to avoid embarrassment at all cost, but it really holds us back. In this video I share my biggest trick for getting over embarrassment and why we need to be super careful about how we internalize it.




What happens when you put Away your Phone

A couple weeks ago, my student, Caroline, and I did a phone challenge. I read an article about someone who never looked at his phone when he was around other people so I wanted to try it. Let me tell you… it. was. hard. Check out today’s video where we chat about how it went and what we learned!




Modern Mentor Program Trailer!

I’m so excited to share a video I made with my students back in April. I wanted to take away any nerves when it came to starting the Modern Mentor Program by having the girls be the ones to explain it. If you’ve ever been apprehensive about trying a group I hope this helps! Thank you to all the girls who participated and big thanks to LoYa in Summit for use of their BEAUTIFUL space! I feel very grateful!

Modern Mentor Program Trailer from Maggie DiPasquale on Vimeo.

What to do when your Best Friend Moves!

My best friend moved from NYC to Los Angeles at the end of June. This became a total #MeToo Moment when in a Mentoring Session one of my students told me her best friend was moving too. While it can be sad you won’t see your BFF as often, there are a lot of things to look forward to when a friend moves. Check out today’s video to see what I mean!








Authentic Posting and the Story you’re Creating

Today I’m sharing a video that I filmed at my Party Series lecture. At my Prep Programs a huge majority of our Q&A was spent on posting, texting, and communicating in general so I wanted to share a little clip about authentic posting and how we’re showing ourselves online (and if matches how we are in person). How do you know you’ve posted authentically? Let me know in the comments below!




What to do when a Friend Acts Differently in a Group than she does One-on-One

This question is a total #MeToo moment because I always have girls reaching out on the topic. You have a friend that you love to spend time with one-on-one, but the second you’re in a group, the dynamic changes. Maybe she’s trying to impress boys or puts a lot of emphasis on being popular, but either way it doesn’t make you feel good. Check out the video to learn how to handle this situation because I have definitely been there!