Self-Care Tips for College Students


Self-care is a wellness buzz word that I usually roll my eyes at, but I’ve been focused on what means to take really good care of ourselves in all ways. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed in college and put yourself last, that’s why I’m sharing self-care practices to help you feel better about everything you have going on. In this free gift, you’ll get 28 self-care ideas and a video where I give personal detail on how to implement them in your life. These are EASY (most of them free) things you can do that really make a difference!  For the free mentoring click here.

Mind Body Medicine

Mind Body Medicine ⁣

Back-to-school can stir up lots of feelings and it’s basically been the focus of all my sessions since the beginning of August. A topic I’ve shared with my students is the mind body connection or how your thoughts and emotions can affect your physical condition. Not as a replacement for medical advice, but whenever I feel out of sorts in my body, I try to think of the emotional component in a literal way. Examples: ⁣

A friend said she had no appetite and I asked, “What’s eating you up?”⁣

I had heartburn and my mom asked me, “What’s burning your heart?”⁣

A student had a neck ache and I asked, “Is anyone in your life being a pain in the neck?”⁣

My hip flexors were super tight and I asked myself, “Where am I being inflexible?”⁣

Mindful questions can help you see yourself or situation from a perspective that maybe you didn’t consider before. Pay attention to how you feel physically. Butterflies in your stomach, tension headaches, tight neck and shoulders can all indicate built up feelings. Your body talks to you all day long, you just have to listen. ✨📸 by @maja_bee

Can I Vent?

How to Handle the Sunday Scaries

I know it’s Tuesday, but I’m sharing with you a blog that you might need on Sunday. Sunday scaries are when you start to dread Monday and it lowers your vibe. This especially happens after the holidays! You have to get back into the school routine, do any homework you might have forgotten, and spring break feels far away. Today I’m sharing how to beat the Sunday blues!


How to Create More Time in Your Day!


Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time in your day to get everything done? Have you ever been so preoccupied with all that you have going on in your life that you’ve shampooed your hair twice? Well, I’ve been there and today I’m here to help you create more time!

Click play to learn how to create more time in your day



Here’s the scoop: although self care is a super trendy phrase, it does have a lot of significance. When you give yourself permission to take care of yourself you create more time. How is this true? Well when you give yourself  “me time” you center, refocus and recharge for all the other activities in your life.

When we get on an airplane the safety demos always tell us to put our own oxygen mask on before we help the person next to us. That same premise goes for real life also. How can you expect to take care of anyone or anything else if you don’t take care of yourself first?

I want to hear from you! How can you add more self care to your life? Share with me in the comments below!