How to Handle a Mean Girl

It’s been all about friendship in my groups this month where the topic of mean girls has repeatedly come up. It’s inevitable to be around someone you don’t like, but it can feel unbearable if you’re picked on. Check out my video for tips on how to handle a mean girl.

How to Manage all the Stress before Break

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that there is so much homework before break. Every project is due. There are midterms, finals, and on top of that you have family things on the weekends. Plus you’re eating lots of foods that you don’t normally eat which can make you feel sluggish. Don’t freak out because I got you! These tips are what save me when I feel like I have a lot to do. Check out my tips for managing stress AND I’m giving away a free meditation!

Meditation for Reflection and Stress Release



How to be Popular

Girls in my group have been asking a lot about popularity. Feeling the pressures of wanting to be popular is something I’ve struggled with, so I totally get it! Click the video to find out my tips for navigating popularity!

How to Make a Good First Impression

Have you ever been really nervous about meeting a new group of people? We all have! I remember panicking as I got out of the car for my high school orientation. I didn’t know anyone and was so anxious wondering if anyone would like me. If you’re going to camp for the summer, starting a new internship or heading to an orientation you’re going to be making tons of new friends. It can be overwhelming to meet new people, but don’t stress! In this video I share my top 4 tips for making a good first impression.

Click Play to Learn How to Make a Good First Impression

My Biggest Secret to Staying Healthy

Shhh. Today I’m sharing my biggest secret to staying healthy and it’s really so easy you’re going to wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Everyone wants to look good for summer, but healthy habits are for life. This is especially important if you’re heading off to college soon (anyone want to avoid the freshmen 15?)!

Click play to learn how to stay healthy while eating all the foods you love:


Portion control isn’t about measuring out your food, restricting your intake or depriving yourself of the things you love. It’s being aware of how much you’re eating. Food is neither good nor bad. Food is fuel for your body and you NEED it! Everyday is going to be different. Somedays you’re going to need more fuel than others. Pay attention to when you’re hungry or full.

The biggest relationship you have in life is the one you have with yourself and that includes exploring your relationship to food. Get to know how much you’re eating. It’s all a lesson in self-discovery. Let go of the stress you have around food and start having fun getting to know yourself!