1:1 Mentorship for Students & Parents

She’s Growing Up, But You’re Both Going Through It

Guided support to help you each manage the ups and downs of adolescence

work with maggie

You always knew the teen years would be hard. 

Everyone talks about it, right? It’s no secret. 

“Especially girls,” they say, “It’s never been more difficult to be a teenager.” 

She’s growing up and becoming independent in a wide-open world, and you’re figuring out what that means for you as her Mom.  

But that doesn’t mean you have to struggle through this transition alone. White-knuckling adolescence can lead to anxiety, stress, conflicts, breakdowns in communication, and distance. 

Let’s work together to develop strategies that help you both manage this time of change with confidence, clarity, connection, and understanding.

Having these concerns means you pay attention <high five, mom!>, recognize your own needs and those of your daughter, and know that support during this transition could make all the difference in how you each manage this time. 

My 1:1 mentoring package is designed to give you each the space and time to explore these concerns in your own separate ways, with the guidance of a trusted coach. 

Together, we’ll tackle the challenges of growing up (her!) and raising a daughter (you!) in this crazy world and calm all the noise so you can focus on all the positive aspects of this precious time. 

work with maggie

As your daughter steps into her own, let’s ensure she has the support she needs to embrace and navigate the opportunities ahead

It’s natural to feel a mix of pride and uncertainty during these transformative years. As your sensitive daughter grows and changes, she will face the challenges of a complicated world. 

It’s normal for kids to pull away from their parents during this time. Don’t worry! It’s necessary and important that your daughter has the space to practice who she wants to become in the world.

With the gentle guidance of a fellow big-hearted soul, you’ll find the support and encouragement you need to navigate these new waters with effective coping skills, understanding, and compassion. 

As your daughter learns to express herself and faces the world with newfound confidence, she’ll need the tools and strategies to do so with emotional resilience, self-awareness, and strength

From my own journey as a teen struggling to find my path to guiding hundreds of girls through theirs, I’ve seen firsthand how the right support can illuminate the way. Let’s talk about it!

work with maggie

1:1 Mentorship

Mentorship can be just for your daughter, or for you, mom, or or both – but you each have your own unique journey unfolding. That’s why my mentorship program is designed with the flexibility to meet you both right where you are. I offer separate, personalized coaching paths for moms and daughters because I believe in honoring your individual needs and experiences.

Through these sessions, you’ll learn to help your daughter:

What’s Included:

  • 12 weekly virtual mentoring sessions, 60 minutes each 
  • Unlimited support between sessions to help you when it’s needed the most
  • Resource recommendations to inform and encourage your growth
  • Daughters get free access to my Mentor Membership program and app

work with maggie

Client Testimonials

Mentorship provides both you and your daughter with judgment-free support and guidance during these foundational years


This isn’t therapy. 

Even if the changes happening leave you feeling like something is “wrong,” that’s not the case. Your daughter growing into adulthood is a transition for everyone in your family, and everything you both are feeling and experiencing is totally normal. 

I provide the HOW to your WHYs and guide you to productive and healthy ways to manage everything you are going through.

Schedule a Discovery Call to learn more about how mentorship can turn teenage turmoil into a time of clarity and positive progress.  

work with maggie


My daughter is hesitant to try mentoring. Any tips? I totally get this! Trying anything new can be hard, especially when opening up about yourself. With every new student, I start with only one session to make sure we are the right fit. All you have to do is show up for one chat, and I will do the rest!

How do I know if mom mentorship is better or teen mentorship is right for my family? This is the perfect question for a discovery call! We can chat over which option would fit you and your daughter’s needs best.

What if I have nothing to talk about? Don’t worry! It’s on me to know what to talk about. You don’t have to come with anything specifically prepared. I’ll guide the session, especially if you’re nervous. It will feel like chatting with a friend.

How soon can we expect to see progress from the mentorship sessions? Everyone’s journey is unique, but you’ll likely notice little sparks of change after just a few sessions. We’ll start implementing practical tools right away

Can we tailor the mentorship sessions to focus on our specific concerns? Of course! This mentorship is all about you and what you need. Each session is customized to focus on those specific issues. It’s all about making this experience truly beneficial for you and your daughter.

Is there any support available between our scheduled sessions? Absolutely! I’m here for you between our sessions, too. If something comes up or you just need a bit of advice, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to support and guide you both every step of the way.

What happens if we need to miss a session? Not to worry at all! If you know you can’t make it, just give me a heads-up, and we’ll find another time that works better. I’m here to work with your schedule and ensure we keep the momentum going, even if life gets hectic.