how to know what to do

Do you find it hard to make decisions? Stay in or go out? What to eat for dinner? What to major in? What sorority to join? Maybe you’re making a big decision like what college to go to. Inspired by life coach Martha Beck, I share a tip to help guide you during any decision big or small. This is an especially important listen for any of the people pleasers out there!

A Trick to Help you Make a Decision

I have a tendency to agonize over decisions. I also hate to say no to people and can find myself feeling like I need to be perfect. Recently, I  struggled with a choice and this popped into my mind. Check out the video for the trick that really helped me make a decision!



How to Figure out What You Want

When we’re trying to make decisions or attract new things into our lives, we have to get clear about what we want first. We can seriously drive ourselves nuts when we agonize over choices. In this video I share my tips for figuring out what you want!