Why You Really Are What You Eat

We’ve all heard the saying you are what you eat, but what does that really mean? In today’s video I discuss why we literally are the foods we put in our body and why we should choose the right foods to fuel us!



My Biggest Secret to Staying Healthy

Shhh. Today I’m sharing my biggest secret to staying healthy and it’s really so easy you’re going to wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Everyone wants to look good for summer, but healthy habits are for life. This is especially important if you’re heading off to college soon (anyone want to avoid the freshmen 15?)!

Click play to learn how to stay healthy while eating all the foods you love:




Portion control isn’t about measuring out your food, restricting your intake or depriving yourself of the things you love. It’s being aware of how much you’re eating. Food is neither good nor bad. Food is fuel for your body and you NEED it! Everyday is going to be different. Somedays you’re going to need more fuel than others. Pay attention to when you’re hungry or full.

The biggest relationship you have in life is the one you have with yourself and that includes exploring your relationship to food. Get to know how much you’re eating. It’sĀ all a lesson in self-discovery. Let go of the stress you have around food and start having fun getting to know yourself!

My Weekend in Photos March Edition

How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was full of family, fun and food. Check out a few of my pictures below.


Woke up to this little guy


Ate delicious Easter candy


California cousins visited the East Coast


Spun around NYC


Saw a friend perform in the Newsies


Took pictures with the star backstage!


Pretty flowers


The first course of Easter dinner

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!