Authentic Posting and the Story you’re Creating

Today I’m sharing a video that I filmed at my Party Series lecture. At my Prep Programs a huge majority of our Q&A was spent on posting, texting, and communicating in general so I wanted to share a little clip about authentic posting and how we’re showing ourselves online (and if matches how we are in person). How do you know you’ve posted authentically? Let me know in the comments below!




Do you have JOMO?

You’ve probably heard of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), but what about JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out)? It’s just such a great reminder that there are always different ways to see a situation. Click to learn what JOMO is and how to get more of it in your life.




What to do when the People Around you have a Bad Attitude

It stinks when you’re excited about something and the people around you aren’t. Maybe you really like soccer practice but everyone else complains about the coach. Maybe you’re really excited about a class, but everyone is down on it. You can’t change other people, but you can help to make the situation better. Click the video to hear what to do when the people around you have a bad attitude.