How to Talk to your Parents

Going to your parents for advice can sometimes be hard, but I know from experience that if you open up to them they can actually be a big help. Plus, they really want to hear from you! Today, I’m sharing helpful tips for talking to your parents or anyone you’re thinking of going to for advice.




Why We Need to Celebrate the Average Day

Happy holidays, Modern Mentees! What are you going to be up to? I’m excited to hang with my family, eat delicious food, catch up on sleep… and Netflix! I wanted to share today’s topic because it’s something I’m personally working on. I find, especially during the holidays, that we’re so so so busy and looking forward to lots of things that we totally forget the present moment. The present moment is so important because it’s really all we have! Check out today’s video to help you celebrate the average day.





How to Count your #Blessings

Blessed (adj): sacred, worthy of adoration, reverence; put a hashtag on it and does the meaning still hold up? A quick search shows that we’re feeling #blessed for our hot bods, naps, and Thursday night television. Whether we use the hashtag ironically or to announce our thanks online, doing so can dilute gratitude. Feeling blessed is a personal experience. The moments you find yourself feeling thankful are entirely unique to you. They’re sacred reminders that you’re whole, complete, and lack nothing. Add a hashtag and it takes a deeply personal experience and makes it public and searchable. It’s incredibly important to acknowledge our blessings, but how do we do it in an online world? Check out this month’s Smart Girls Group article!


How to Count your Blessings

What to do if a Boy Doesn’t Ask you to Dance

‘Tis the season of school dances! I heard so many stories of girls not having a good time at a dance because a boy didn’t ask them to dance or because they were rejected when they asked someone else. Check out the video below to see why your good time doesn’t depend on a boy and what to remember if someone doesn’t want to dance with you (because I’ve been there)!

My Take on the BNI (Big Night In) Because Instagram isn’t Telling the Whole Story

I recently received a lot of questions about what to do when you feel like you don’t have a group and what to do when you get major FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) because you’re staying in when it seems like everyone is going out. My question for you is: Do you ever have a Big Night In? I love a good BNI, but it took me awhile to get comfortable with it because I felt like everyone was having fun and I was just at home. Let me tell you, it’s really not the case. Check out the video below to hear my take on the BNI.

How to Receive a Compliment

Ever feel awkward when someone compliments you? Yup, a lot of us do! Here’s the deal: feeling worthy is the root of accepting all compliments. Click the video to learn how to feel great when someone says something nice about you!

What to do When you Disagree with a Friend

Disagreeing with a friend can be totally awkward, but what’s more uncomfortable is changing your opinion because it’s what you think the other person wants to hear. Check out today’s video to learn what to do when you disagree with a friend!

How to Find a Seat at Lunch

This video is special to me because I’ve been new at a lot of schools, but even if you’ve been at your school forever, navigating the lunchroom can be stressful! In this video, I share my tips for finding a place to sit at lunch!

Meditation for the First Day of School

I’ve said it a million times, but I was really so nervous about starting any new school year. If I had known about meditation, I would have totally used this tool before my first day. In this video, I will guide you through a relaxing meditation to prep you for an awesome school year!

Modern Mentor Tips for Texting

Confession: I LOVE to talk… but sometimes texting can be confusing! In this video, I break down my tips for texting.