Do More of What you Love!

Do you spend more time during your day doing what you love or doing what you hate? In today’s vlog I share an exercise to help you take a look at the activities in your life and start doing more of what you love!

Homemade Natural Beauty Products

As a health conscious girl, I try to be aware of the food I put in my body but what about the products that go ONTO my body? The more I thought about all the chemicals in my daily grooming products the more research I did on how to go the natural route and these are some of my favorites. Best of all, every ingredient can be purchased at the grocery store!

Oatmeal Face Scrub 

This may sound like breakfast, but this face scrub will leave your skin feeling great. The oatmeal serves as a skin soother, while the honey is a natural moisturizer. Yogurt’s lactic acid brightens and smooths your complexion.


  •  1 Tablespoon of oats
  •  1 teaspoon of honey
  •  2 Tablespoons of yogurt


Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Apply to face using small circular motions. Rinse with warm water.

Epsom Salt Body Exfoliator

Epsom salt is made up of magnesium sulfate. It helps to flush toxins from the body making it the perfect body exfoliator. It’s also known to soothe achy muscles and decrease bruises.


  • Epsom salt
  • Sesame oil
  • An empty jar


In your jar combine Epsom salt with sesame oil until a paste is made. Use in the shower to smooth skin. You can also use a few drops of your favorite essential oil (I like lavender) to make it smell great too.

Almond Oil Moisturizer

Almond oil has essential fatty acids which balance the skin’s moisture levels. It’s easily absorbed into the skin and rich in vitamin E.


  • Almond oil


Rub almond oil onto skin directly after a shower.

Strawberry Teeth Whitening

It may seem counterintuitive because of the berries’ bright red color, but they are actually natural teeth whiteners. Strawberries contain malic acid which removes stains from teeth, but don’t do it more than once a week because the acid could damage the enamel of the tooth.


1 Strawberry

1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.


Wash strawberry under cool water then cut off stem. Mash the berry with a fork in a small bowl until it is pulp then add baking soda until they form a paste. Brush onto teeth and leave for five minutes then remove with toothpaste.