ivivva Question #4: Balancing It All Stress

Between homework, sports, friends, and family it can seem like we don’t have enough hours in the day. Check out our last video in this Ivivva series about balancing it all!




Partnering with ivivva to Talk about Stress

I partnered with ivivva for a Friday night #HangIn to talk about stress. We created this fun video series to show you that everyone  worries over the same things (#MeToo). Check out this video where we talked about friend stress!







How to Keep it Real on Instagram

So many girls have told me about having their feelings hurt on other people’s finstas (fake instagram). Here are some thoughts on finstas, sub-instagramming, and being mean online.






A Trick to Help you Make a Decision

I have a tendency to agonize over decisions. I also hate to say no to people and can find myself feeling like I need to be perfect. Recently, I  struggled with a choice and this popped into my mind. Check out the video for the trick that really helped me make a decision!






The Best Trick for Getting Unstuck

I learned this mind-blowing trick for getting unstuck and I had to share because it’s changing my life. Feeling stuck can come up in different ways. Maybe you feel blocked, unmotivated, or are having a hard time making a decision. This video will help get the momentum moving forward!





What to do When You Get in a Fight with Your Best Friend

Fighting with your best friend is uncomfortable and can make you really upset. It’s hard to know what to do in this situation! Today I’m sharing my BEST tip when it comes to making up with your bff.


What to do when Someone Makes Fun of your Body

By middle school, 40-70 percent of girls are dissatisfied with two or more parts of their body, and body satisfaction hits rock bottom between the ages of 12 and 15.1  This also coincides with girls’ self-esteem peaking when they are 9 years old.2

These statistics remind me of how important it is to treat our body like our most treasured possession, but how hard it is when someone makes fun of the way we look. The world would be so boring if we all were identical. You were given your unique attributes to make you you; not so you could beat yourself up. When someone says something unkind, it’s because they’re uncomfortable with themselves. Check out my video for more tips and tricks!




How to Handle a Mean Girl

It’s been all about friendship in my groups this month where the topic of mean girls has repeatedly come up. It’s inevitable to be around someone you don’t like, but it can feel unbearable if you’re picked on. Check out my video for tips on how to handle a mean girl.

