pep talks on navigating the unknown

being human in the in-between

In the last half of 2020, I started signing off my weekly newsletter with something I wished for everyone during the week. It became one of my favorite practices so I went back and collected the themes as they’re what I wish for you all in 2021:⁣

big dreams ⁣
clarity ⁣
calm ⁣
gentle guidance ⁣
comfort in liminal space ⁣
a deep sense of inner peace ⁣
connection ⁣
fomo freeness ⁣
ease ⁣
softness ⁣

and most of all lots of health.

I am rooting into these words more than ever. If January is already feeling long, here are some tips on navigating liminal space: the time between what was and what’s next.

a pep talk on navigating the unknown

I know there’s so much unknown right now (like what will Fall 2020 look like?) and how uncomfortable uncertainty can be especially for college students and recent grads who are already undergoing major transitions. You don’t just have to wait and worry until things get figured out. I actually feel there’s a lot of opportunity if you have the right support! In this pep-talk I share the tips that have helped me navigate this time of uncertainty!