stack stress support

Stack stress is a term I’ve made up to describe what happens when you have a lot going on at once, put caring yourself allll the way at the bottom of your list, then one tiiiiny thing tips everything over. Sound familiar? I bet it does for many! If you’ve ever cried over feeling overwhelmed this is the episode for you. In today’s pep talk, I share 3 things you can do when you feel the pressure of stack stress.

mentioned links: 

an easy exercise for shifting stress

all the stress

When you Feel Pressure to be Cool

Everyone at some point has felt pressure to be cool. Whether it’s playing a certain sport, being in a certain group of friends, or going to a specific party, we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves. Check out today’s video for some relief when it comes to the stress of being cool.

What to do When you go Overboard

We all over do it on occasion! Sometimes it’s eating too much, taking on too much work or maybe you’re like me and go overboard on the self-help! A couple of weekends ago I worked with my mentor Gabrielle Bernstein heading right into working a weekend long retreat for Mastin Kipp and totally over did it. Here’s how to click the restart button!