Modern Mentor Program Trailer!

I’m so excited to share a video I made with my students back in April. I wanted to take away any nerves when it came to starting the Modern Mentor Program by having the girls be the ones to explain it. If you’ve ever been apprehensive about trying a group I hope this helps! Thank you to all the girls who participated and big thanks to LoYa in Summit for use of their BEAUTIFUL space! I feel very grateful!

Modern Mentor Program Trailer from Maggie DiPasquale on Vimeo.

What to do when a Friend Acts Differently in a Group than she does One-on-One

This question is a total #MeToo moment because I always have girls reaching out on the topic. You have a friend that you love to spend time with one-on-one, but the second you’re in a group, the dynamic changes. Maybe she’s trying to impress boys or puts a lot of emphasis on being popular, but either way it doesn’t make you feel good. Check out the video to learn how to handle this situation because I have definitely been there!

What to do when you Hate the Number on the Scale

I don’t know one person who hasn’t at one point or another been hard on themselves about their weight. A few weeks ago girls asked me about this in mentoring and the next night my friends brought it up at dinner. It’s a universal “Me too,” experience. We humans have attached a lot of meaning to what we see on the scale, which is a waste of energy. Your weight is not an accurate measurement of who you are as a person. Real happiness comes from the inside out; not what you see on a scale. Check out the video for some body love advice:




What to do when Mom stops you from doing something fun!

So the title of this one is pretty self-explanatory, but it’s one of the main questions I get. Sometimes our parents can feel like a roadblock to our fun, but what if there was another way to look at it? Check out the video below!




Do you have JOMO?

You’ve probably heard of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), but what about JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out)? It’s just such a great reminder that there are always different ways to see a situation. Click to learn what JOMO is and how to get more of it in your life.




How to do a Headstand

My girls LOVE headstands and lucky for them this yoga pose is really good for you. Going upside down brings fresh oxygen to your brain, improves digestion, and is tons of fun! In this video I breakdown how to do a  headstand with the help of one of my students!





Who is in your Front Row?

During the holidays someone asked me, “Who’s in your front row?” and it really stuck with me. This question is a friendship game changer! We are a reflection of the company we keep. Check out the video to learn who’s in your front row and why it’s important. OH, and you’ll get to see a cute furry guest!






Why we Should Stop Saying Sorry

If you’ve been in any of my groups lately I’ve been talking about how I say sorry ALL the time. In true Modern Mentor fashion, I asked myself, “why?” and figured out that it comes from wanting to be liked! Today I’m sharing why we need stop with the sorry.

How to Text the Boy you Like

Lately, I’ve gotten lots of questions about how to talk to the person you like and let me tell you, I sometimes get tripped up too. Click to hear what I remember when I’m texting with the person I dig!