The Best Advice my Sister Gave Me (PS Mac & Cheese is Involved)

My sister is my BFF. She constantly keeps me real and always has me laughing. When we were out to dinner the other night she told me her mac and cheese theory. It’s so good and totally relates to back-to-school, so I obviously had to share. Hope you enjoy the advice as much as I do!






What happens when you put Away your Phone

A couple weeks ago, my student, Caroline, and I did a phone challenge. I read an article about someone who never looked at his phone when he was around other people so I wanted to try it. Let me tell you… it. was. hard. Check out today’s video where we chat about how it went and what we learned!




Everything You Need to Know Before Going to Prom

The whole prom process was stressful for me. Between asking someone to the dance (I went to an all girls high school), finding a dress that I actually felt good in, and praying that I was invited to an after-party, I didn’t really have that much fun because of all the pressure I put on myself. Today’s video is all the best Modern Mentor advice for having authentic fun at prom!




What to do when Mom stops you from doing something fun!

So the title of this one is pretty self-explanatory, but it’s one of the main questions I get. Sometimes our parents can feel like a roadblock to our fun, but what if there was another way to look at it? Check out the video below!




Are You Having Authentic Fun?

Want to be happier in your friendships? It all comes down to authentic fun. Check out the video to learn what authentic fun is and how to get it because it’s the key to building fulfilling relationships. Trust me! You want this!


How to Stop Listening to your Inner Critic

Oh the Inner Mean Girl… It’s that little voice that tells you you’re not good enough for something; can’t do something; not pretty enough; smart enough. You get it. It’s super judge-y and totally holds us back from being the best version of ourselves. We ALL have it, but what do we do about it? Especially on days where it’s SUPER loud. Check out the video because I’ve got your back.





Do you have JOMO?

You’ve probably heard of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), but what about JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out)? It’s just such a great reminder that there are always different ways to see a situation. Click to learn what JOMO is and how to get more of it in your life.




The Best Advice I got from a Student

I always say I have the best job in the world. I learn just as much from the girls I mentor as they do from me. Today I’m sharing the best advice I got from a student! So good!




How to do a Headstand

My girls LOVE headstands and lucky for them this yoga pose is really good for you. Going upside down brings fresh oxygen to your brain, improves digestion, and is tons of fun! In this video I breakdown how to do a  headstand with the help of one of my students!