when you’re totally overwhelmed

stack stress support

You know when you have a lot going, put caring for your mind/body at the bottom of your list ,then one tiiiiny thing tips everything over? This is what I call stack stress.

If you’ve ever cried over feeling overwhelmed this is the episode for you. In today’s pep talk, I share 3 things you can do when you feel the pressure of stack stress.

the first myth of the college experience: “college is the best time ever”

when your expectations of college don’t meet the reality

“This isn’t what I thought it would be. I’m not sure I like college.” These are common freshman thoughts! We hear over and over again that college is the. best. time. ever. but for most, it doesn’t feel that way right off the bat. Belonging takes time! In this pep talk, we cover the expectations we have surrounding college, what the real reality of being at school is, and how to stay optimistic if you’re not loving it yet. Spoiler alert: you’re not alone! 

Any of this resonate and you want extra support? I got you: 1:1 mentoring, parent coaching, and our online membership for college freshmen . 


stack stress support

Stack stress is a term I’ve made up to describe what happens when you have a lot going on at once, put caring yourself allll the way at the bottom of your list, then one tiiiiny thing tips everything over. Sound familiar? I bet it does for many! If you’ve ever cried over feeling overwhelmed this is the episode for you. In today’s pep talk, I share 3 things you can do when you feel the pressure of stack stress.

mentioned links: 

an easy exercise for shifting stress

all the stress

Self-Care Tips for College Students


Self-care is a wellness buzz word that I usually roll my eyes at, but I’ve been focused on what means to take really good care of ourselves in all ways. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed in college and put yourself last, that’s why I’m sharing self-care practices to help you feel better about everything you have going on. In this free gift, you’ll get 28 self-care ideas and a video where I give personal detail on how to implement them in your life. These are EASY (most of them free) things you can do that really make a difference!  For the free mentoring click here.

Do you Talk to Yourself?


Do you Talk to Yourself? ⁣⁣
I hung out with a long time student of mine yesterday and she described someone as, “he doesn’t talk to himself,” to explain a lack of self-awareness. SO GOOD. ⁣⁣
How often do you talk to yourself? Like reaaaaally talk? What’s your inner dialogue? How well do you know yourself? It’s all part of caring for you! ⁣⁣
There’s sometimes fear around getting to know ourselves because we’re afraid of what we might see. Shining awareness on the dark parts just makes them light. This is where my mentors have been so important. They help me see all of me from a higher perspective. Self-cultivation is especially important during transitions (like going to college, starting a new school year, trying something new, etc.) when you’re inherently getting to know a different version of yourself. Wanna have a chat with yourself? These are things that help me start the conversation: ⁣⁣
✨take a walk⁣⁣
✨listen to music ⁣⁣
✨dance ⁣⁣
✨spend time with mentors ⁣⁣
✨turn off the phone ⁣⁣
✨pay attention to the world around you ⁣⁣
✨journal ⁣⁣
✨go be alone⁣⁣
Let me know how the convo goes! ⁣⁣
** Also not talking to myself in this pic, but laughing at @leshon and having my photo taken by the talented Maja Bakija @maja_bee **

My Creative Secret to Falling Asleep at Night

Winding down at night can be a challenge. I know because it’s one of the questions I get asked the MOST. Today I’m sharing my little creative secret to help shut down all the thoughts in your head so you can actually get to sleep!






Do you have JOMO?

You’ve probably heard of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), but what about JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out)? It’s just such a great reminder that there are always different ways to see a situation. Click to learn what JOMO is and how to get more of it in your life.







What to do if you’re Unhappy with your SAT Scores

Taking the SAT can be a super stressful experience, especially when you’re disappointed with your scores. Check out this video for on how to not freak out if you didn’t get a perfect SAT score!



