Why You Really Are What You Eat

We’ve all heard the saying you are what you eat, but what does that really mean? In today’s video I discuss why we literally are the foods we put in our body and why we should choose the right foods to fuel us!



Why We Shouldn’t Beat Ourselves Up Because We Don’t Look Like a Model

In this video I discuss why we shouldn’t beat ourselves up because we don’t look like models. Actresses and models have lots of help to look the way they do. I’ve worked on TV and at magazines so I know exactly what goes on behind the scenes and I’m spilling the secrets!



Mmm Banana Pancakes!

It’s no secret that I LOVE to take my favorite foods and make them healthier so when I was craving banana pancakes I knew I had to make them with a spin. Pancakes with sugar and white flour can leave me feeling tired so I found a recipe that satisfied my craving while also giving me energy. I’m really into Gwyneth Paltrow’s cookbook It’s All Good  so her buckwheat banana pancakes were on the top of my list to try.


I substituted wheat flour for almond flour and rice milk for almond milk because that’s what I had around.


Bananas are the best! They’re a good source of potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B-6 and fiber. Plus they’re delicious.


My lack of flipping skills made for some not so pretty pancakes…


But they were absolutely yummy!

What’s your favorite breakfast food? Leave me comments in the section below! Have a great week! xoxo


My Biggest Secret to Staying Healthy

Shhh. Today I’m sharing my biggest secret to staying healthy and it’s really so easy you’re going to wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Everyone wants to look good for summer, but healthy habits are for life. This is especially important if you’re heading off to college soon (anyone want to avoid the freshmen 15?)!

Click play to learn how to stay healthy while eating all the foods you love:




Portion control isn’t about measuring out your food, restricting your intake or depriving yourself of the things you love. It’s being aware of how much you’re eating. Food is neither good nor bad. Food is fuel for your body and you NEED it! Everyday is going to be different. Somedays you’re going to need more fuel than others. Pay attention to when you’re hungry or full.

The biggest relationship you have in life is the one you have with yourself and that includes exploring your relationship to food. Get to know how much you’re eating. It’s all a lesson in self-discovery. Let go of the stress you have around food and start having fun getting to know yourself!

Have your Cake and Eat it Too!

It doesn’t matter if you celebrate Easter or not, if you walk into any store there’s tons of candy all around tempting us into a sugar high! I’m all about healthy living and that means not depriving yourself of the things you love. Part of having your cake and eating it too is to make substitutions when you can so you enjoy a healthier treat. Candy is still candy, but when you make it yourself you know the ingredients that are going into it and can use portion control. Plus I love being in the kitchen! Dark chocolate peanut butter cups are one of my favorite candies so I decided to recreate my own. I used this recipe from the Sprouted Kitchen and substituted almond butter for peanut butter because that’s what I was craving.



 Gooey melted chocolate!


This can get messy… Don’t wear white!
Make sure to press down the peanut butter mixture so that the chocolate on top dries flat.
Enjoy your sweet treat!

The Real Way to Get Bikini Ready in Time for Spring Break

It’s definitely that spring break time of year when every magazine is telling me how to “Lose 5 Pounds in 5 Days!” or “How to Fit into your Bikini in Time to Hit the Beach!” Let me save you the trouble and tell you that those quick fixes don’t work. Wouldn’t you want to feel great about your body all of the time?

I know that it’s not always easy to love your body. I’ve struggled with it especially as a dancer, but these tips I share have completely changed the way I think about how I look and that’s why I know they can work for you.

Click play to learn about the real way to get bikini ready in time for spring break.






As always self-love is a practice, which means some days will be easier than others, but focusing on your thoughts and actions can help you make a shift that you can stick with for the long run.