the best grade to get a mentor

After many years of mentoring, I’m sharing what I think is the mentorship sweet spot! If you’re a parent and having been thinking about getting your daughter a mentor, this is a great episode for you!

parent pep talk: the father of the bride effect to understand your teen

Today I’m sharing what I call: The Father of the Bride effect and how it will change your perspective on your teen’s behavior. I always share this during my parent talks or parent sessions because it has a huge opportunity for an AHA! moment and to also bring relief to you as a parent. This episode is for you if you feel you’re being met with resistance and not being listened to by your teen!

how to know whose advice to take

Have you ever asked a bunch of people what you should do about something then ended up confused OR maybe people just give you unsolicited advice which ends up making you feel unclear. If any of these sound familiar, then this episode is for you. Today, I share a tool for what I use to gage if I should take someone’s advice or not. It’s helped me out so much and I hope it works for you as well!

parent pep talk: how to support your college student while they’re away at school

You get the call from your daughter at college that she’s upset and you immediately want to swoop in and come up with 10 solutions for whatever issue she’s brought up. It’s amazing to have ideas for support, but your student might actually need something different. In this pep talk, we chat about the shift from doer to supporter parenting, walk you through a real life example of how this plays out, and why you new role as advisor is so incredibly important.

parent pep talk: “last weekend as a family” pressure

If you have a college student leaving for school soon and have been hearing yourself say, “This is our last week (or weekend) as a family,” I’m issuing a gentle PSA: the last week as a family is a crazy time! It’s okay to just let it be a chaotic, messy, full weekend. Let’s deescalate this together and take the pressure off of ourselves!

play out worst case scenarios? try this

Do you worry? I do! If you’re someone who tends to fear fantasize, this tool is for you. My mentor Erin taught me this and I’ve been using it with my students ever since. Hope this serves you as much as it’s served me.

can you give yourself permission?

Do you need to give yourself permission? If you’re a people pleaser, this episode could be really helpful for you. In this pep talk, I share my personal relationship with permission right now, walk you through an exercise I’m doing with my students, and chat about what giving ourselves permission really opens up.

10 minute habit hack

Got summer goals? I do.

In today’s pep talk, I share my 10 minute habit hack you can apply to any area of life to help you ACTUALLY see progress in your goals.

mental wellness to-do’s before your freshman leaves for college

Got a soon-to-be college freshman? This is THE pep talk for you. I’m sharing what I think every student should do for solid mental wellness support before going away to school. We chat foundational wellness in terms of nervous system regulation, the parent transition to college, and why mentorship becomes *even* more important the summer before freshman year.

mentor membership