What to do if You’re Afraid to Raise your Hand in School

I totally relate to being nervous about speaking in school! I worried about what other people thought and if I was going to sound stupid. Being in my own head really took me out of the moment. It’s hard to focus on learning when you’re terrified of being called on! Check out today’s video for an idea that really helped me.




Why We Need to Celebrate the Average Day

Happy holidays, Modern Mentees! What are you going to be up to? I’m excited to hang with my family, eat delicious food, catch up on sleep… and Netflix! I wanted to share today’s topic because it’s something I’m personally working on. I find, especially during the holidays, that we’re so so so busy and looking forward to lots of things that we totally forget the present moment. The present moment is so important because it’s really all we have! Check out today’s video to help you celebrate the average day.


