a grounding practice

a meditation for when you want to feel calm

Any overthinkers out there? This is the pep-talk for you. When there’s a lot going on in your mind and the world, grounding is an exercise that centers you for peace and calm.

Ever walk into a room to grab something and can’t remember what you went in for? Do you lose your keys? Shampoo your hair twice? Loop thoughts? These are signs of being ungrounded. Sometimes it’s also a response to anxiety. I gave a big talk once that meant a lot to me. I got up to the podium and totally started to panic. I couldn’t feel my legs. I felt very untethered; a big sign of being ungrounded.

Today’s pep talk is a grounding meditation to center your mind and body and root you into the present moment. This is an important part of my wellness practice and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!