The Life Lesson I Learned from Greg Laswell

When I was at a Greg Laswell concert he shared a story that really stuck with me! Click to hear the life lesson I learned from Greg Laswell.









The Best Frozen Chocolate Almond Butter Banana Bites

Warning: this dessert is amazing! It tastes like ice cream, but it’s banana. I can’t get enough and wanted to share with you. This is an easy recipe to make at the beginning of the week and grab after dinner (okay I’ve been eating them as a snack too). Let me know if you try them!



Cut bananas in 1/2 inch thick slices.



Spread almond butter onto slices and sandwich them together. Place on baking sheet and put in the freezer.




In the meantime melt chocolate in either the microwave or on the stove. Once chocolate is melted take frozen bananas out of the freezer dipping them into the chocolate and placing them back onto baking sheet.



Let freeze overnight (if you can wait!) and enjoy!




How to Find your Soulmate

I think it’s silly to have only one day honoring LOVE, so over here we’re still celebrating Valentine’s Day. I get lots of questions when it comes to relationships and today I’m sharing advice on how to find your soulmate.

How I Stopped Gossiping

Confession: I’ve gossiped. It seems that talking about people is a normal part of girl life. We text, tweet, subtweet, Instagram things about other people… even some stuff we have no idea is true or not. In this video I shared the BIG idea that changed my view of gossip!

The Ultimate Friendship Test

In this video I share how to tell if the friends in your life are building you up or bringing you down.





The Life Lesson I Learned from Beyonce

If you’ve been around me, then you already know I LOVE Beyonce. Last week my sister and I saw Queen Bey at the Barclays Center and it was incredible to say the least! As I watched her I kept thinking that she must really believe in herself to have such great stage presence. Click play to hear the life lesson I learned from Beyonce.





The Best Bedtime Routine

Sleep hasn’t always come easily to me. For the longest time I struggled with falling and staying asleep… let alone waking up peaceful! This bedtime routine has totally changed my relationship to sleep. Click play to learn the secrets to a better bedtime.




What to do if you get Rejected from College

Tis the season… for college decisions. It was not long ago that I was logging onto my various accounts to see if I got into colleges. Let me tell you it was not fun when I didn’t get in. I know how painful it is not to get into a school you want to be in, but I can with absolute certainty tell you that it’s for the best. Check out the video to see my steps for handling college rejections.





Do you OUB?

Do you O-U-B? This is one of the biggest parts of my practice. OUB stands for: Out it. Use it. Bless it. Click play to hear how I use OUB in my everyday life.