If you Don’t Ask the Answer is Always No

Asking for what I want is scary for me. I’m afraid of imposing on someone. I’m afraid of getting rejected, but at the end of the day, if I don’t ask the answer is always no.

To ask for something I want or need is an act of self value and love.

Check out the video for more!





What to do if you feel like you don’t look like everyone else

Over the last two weeks, I helped a lot of girls through back-to-school shopping breakdowns. What to wear on the first day of school can bring up a lot of questions:

What do I want to look like?
What if I don’t look like everyone else?
What looks good on my body?

Check out today’s video for advice on what to do you’re worried you don’t look like everyone else!



A Gratitude Game

If you’re going on a road trip this August, I got a game for you! We played this in my confidence camp and it was a big hit. We’re all told to think about the things we’re grateful for, but this takes it to the next level. Check out today’s video for an easy mood boosting game you can play anywhere.



What to do if You’re Afraid to Raise your Hand in School

I totally relate to being nervous about speaking in school! I worried about what other people thought and if I was going to sound stupid. Being in my own head really took me out of the moment. It’s hard to focus on learning when you’re terrified of being called on! Check out today’s video for an idea that really helped me.




When you Feel Pressure to be Cool

Everyone at some point has felt pressure to be cool. Whether it’s playing a certain sport, being in a certain group of friends, or going to a specific party, we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves. Check out today’s video for some relief when it comes to the stress of being cool.



How to Keep it Real on Instagram

So many girls have told me about having their feelings hurt on other people’s finstas (fake instagram). Here are some thoughts on finstas, sub-instagramming, and being mean online.






What to do when Someone Makes Fun of your Body

By middle school, 40-70 percent of girls are dissatisfied with two or more parts of their body, and body satisfaction hits rock bottom between the ages of 12 and 15.1  This also coincides with girls’ self-esteem peaking when they are 9 years old.2

These statistics remind me of how important it is to treat our body like our most treasured possession, but how hard it is when someone makes fun of the way we look. The world would be so boring if we all were identical. You were given your unique attributes to make you you; not so you could beat yourself up. When someone says something unkind, it’s because they’re uncomfortable with themselves. Check out my video for more tips and tricks!




The Confidence Game Changer

During college I was on the BC Pom Squad where I danced at all the football and basketball games. Recently, my mom asked me how it felt to cheer on the team all those years. I told her I was a performer, not a cheerleader, but it made me think. I was there to show school spirit and support Boston College so she was right. I was a cheerleader. Over the last few weeks, I’ve realized that I’m still a cheerleader. As a mentor I support and champion for girls all day long. This is the game changer: Everyone needs a cheerleader and it’s the key to confidence.


We all need to hear encouragement from an impartial third party. Parental support is incredibly important, but can sometimes be ignored. A cheerleader guides girls to see their own value. Everyone needs help believing in themselves. There is invaluable strength that comes from having another person cheer you on. Also when you have a cheerleader, it helps you become a better cheerleader for others. Take some time today to send your cheerleaders a little extra love!

The Advice I got From Taylor Swift

Today I’m sharing what I learned from Taylor Swift about #squadgoals with my best friend, McKenzie. When there’s a lot going on during the holiday season we can get caught up in what everyone else is doing. McKenzie is one of my biggest supports and today we’re chatting about it!


5 Must Follow Instagram Accounts for Positivity


Over the summer, I followed a fitness blogger on Instagram and I constantly compared myself to her. Every time I looked at her posts, I felt like I wasn’t enough. It was nothing she was doing. She has no idea who I am. It was the internal dialogue I had with myself when I looked at her content. I decided to unfollow her in order to choose inspiration that builds me up.

I don’t know one girl who isn’t constantly comparing herself to people online. In a world where there’s a lot of information, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), and social media drain, we need to be mindful of what we’re looking at online. The relationship we build with ourselves starts with the inner dialogue we’re having. This means intentionally following people that make us feel good and not bad. Today I’m sharing my top 5 Instagram accounts that bring me positivity and make me smile!



These adorable doodles come with such great messages. Whenever I catch one, I take it as what I needed for the day!



Gabby is my long time mentor. I love her! Her Insta is so inspiring. I love knowing what she’s up to, her tips on life and meditation as well as motivational quotes.



Pumpkin is a rescued raccoon who lives with a family (and dogs) in the Bahamas. She’s so cute and always doing goofy things.



My friend Trella runs a yoga nonprofit called Yogi’s Heart, which brings yoga scholarships to individuals 15-25 years old who want to practice regularly. Her Instagram feed is as beautiful as she is inside and out!



I love to travel and this Insta is like taking a mini vacation. Plus I love learning about new places! #travelgoals