The Real Way to Get Bikini Ready in Time for Spring Break

It’s definitely that spring break time of year when every magazine is telling me how to “Lose 5 Pounds in 5 Days!” or “How to Fit into your Bikini in Time to Hit the Beach!” Let me save you the trouble and tell you that those quick fixes don’t work. Wouldn’t you want to feel great about your body all of the time?

I know that it’s not always easy to love your body. I’ve struggled with it especially as a dancer, but these tips I share have completely changed the way I think about how I look and that’s why I know they can work for you.

Click play to learn about the real way to get bikini ready in time for spring break.



As always self-love is a practice, which means some days will be easier than others, but focusing on your thoughts and actions can help you make a shift that you can stick with for the long run.


Why Comparing is a Big Waste of Time

I know we all do it! We compare ourselves to other people. We look to our friends, siblings, relationships, celebrities and see what they have and wonder why we don’t have it. Comparing is a hard habit to break, but I’ve got two main reasons why we should cut it out.

Press play to find out why comparing is a big waste of time


Next time you find yourself comparing, give yourself a break! We are all on earth for a unique purpose. This means that your life’s journey is different from everyone else’s and ALL YOUR OWN.  Next remind yourself that everyone is comparing themselves even that person you’ve made really special in your mind so don’t feed into the circle of comparisons! As always feel free to leave comments below with your feelings about comparing yourself to other people.


Stop Stressing Over Valentine’s Day


Do you roll your eyes when stores start putting out all their Valentine’s Day cards? Are you in a panic to find a date before the 14th? We put so much pressure on this holiday and it’s time to stop the stress! I love Valentine’s Day because it gives us the opportunity to celebrate ALL the love in your life.

Click play to learn how to stop the V-Day stress:


Sometimes we look to romantic relationships to make us feel whole or complete when really self love is the key to having more love in your life. One of the greatest tools we have is to think about where love currently exists in our life already. Celebrate the romantic relationship if you’re in one, but don’t forget about all the other examples of love you have in your life. Below I’ve listed some easy ways to show your love:

  • Call your grandparents
  • Send your mom flowers
  • Buy your sister chocolates
  • Give your barista a card
  • Smile at a stranger
  • Text an old friend saying you were thinking of them
  • Cook dinner for your roommates

Let me know in the comments below how you’re showing your love this holiday! Happy Valentine’s Day!


How to Create More Time in Your Day!


Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time in your day to get everything done? Have you ever been so preoccupied with all that you have going on in your life that you’ve shampooed your hair twice? Well, I’ve been there and today I’m here to help you create more time!

Click play to learn how to create more time in your day



Here’s the scoop: although self care is a super trendy phrase, it does have a lot of significance. When you give yourself permission to take care of yourself you create more time. How is this true? Well when you give yourself  “me time” you center, refocus and recharge for all the other activities in your life.

When we get on an airplane the safety demos always tell us to put our own oxygen mask on before we help the person next to us. That same premise goes for real life also. How can you expect to take care of anyone or anything else if you don’t take care of yourself first?

I want to hear from you! How can you add more self care to your life? Share with me in the comments below!