How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

A couple of weekends ago, I worked on an exciting project with my students (which I cannot wait to share with you soon). During it, I asked each girl what her favorite topic that we’ve covered during our Mentoring Sessions was. EVERY girl said the advice they got about sleeping better was really helpful, so I decided to share it here on the blog today! Wishing you peaceful sleep tonight!

How to be the Life of the Party

It’s a common misconception that being the life of the party means being the most outgoing person in the room. It’s not about what you look like or who can’t take their eyes off of you, it’s all about the energy you bring you into the room. Standing out in a positive way means glittering from the inside out. Got somewhere to be? Try these quick tips for lighting up a room!

 How to be the life of the party pic

How to Stop Listening to your Inner Critic

Oh the Inner Mean Girl… It’s that little voice that tells you you’re not good enough for something; can’t do something; not pretty enough; smart enough. You get it. It’s super judge-y and totally holds us back from being the best version of ourselves. We ALL have it, but what do we do about it? Especially on days where it’s SUPER loud. Check out the video because I’ve got your back.





The Best Advice I got from a Student

I always say I have the best job in the world. I learn just as much from the girls I mentor as they do from me. Today I’m sharing the best advice I got from a student! So good!




The Best of 2014!

This year has been incredible! It’s been such a pleasure to guide you and I wanted to share my top videos of  2014! Thanks for making this year so special!


What to do if you’re not Invited to a Party


How I Stopped Gossiping


What to do when you’re Mad at Yourself


What to do when you can’t Invite all your Friends to your Birthday Party


How to be Popular


My Take on the BNI (Big Night In) Because Instagram isn’t Telling the Whole Story

I recently received a lot of questions about what to do when you feel like you don’t have a group and what to do when you get major FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) because you’re staying in when it seems like everyone is going out. My question for you is: Do you ever have a Big Night In? I love a good BNI, but it took me awhile to get comfortable with it because I felt like everyone was having fun and I was just at home. Let me tell you, it’s really not the case. Check out the video below to hear my take on the BNI.

Why we Should Stop Saying Sorry

If you’ve been in any of my groups lately I’ve been talking about how I say sorry ALL the time. In true Modern Mentor fashion, I asked myself, “why?” and figured out that it comes from wanting to be liked! Today I’m sharing why we need stop with the sorry.

How to Receive a Compliment

Ever feel awkward when someone compliments you? Yup, a lot of us do! Here’s the deal: feeling worthy is the root of accepting all compliments. Click the video to learn how to feel great when someone says something nice about you!

How to Text the Boy you Like

Lately, I’ve gotten lots of questions about how to talk to the person you like and let me tell you, I sometimes get tripped up too. Click to hear what I remember when I’m texting with the person I dig!

What to do When you Disagree with a Friend

Disagreeing with a friend can be totally awkward, but what’s more uncomfortable is changing your opinion because it’s what you think the other person wants to hear. Check out today’s video to learn what to do when you disagree with a friend!