How to Create Happy Body Habits

Many of my students have come to me with summer body stress and I’ve been mentoring girls towards creating HAPPY habits. Happiness is a choice and defaulting to self-love and acceptance takes practice, especially when it comes to loving what you look like. You were given your body to share your gifts; not as a vehicle to beat yourself up. Whether you’re aware of it or not, we’ve all created body habits that we do without even being mindful if they’re helping us or holding us back. In order to feel positive about your looks, you’ve got to look at the patterns you’ve formed that’s why we’re focusing on creating happy habits. Click here for more.

3 Ingredient Guacamole

I love guac. Seriously, it’s so good… and it’s good for you. In honor of the unofficial start to summer, I wanted to share my easy 3 ingredient guacamole recipe. Read closely because I share my secret step that makes it that much better.


2 avocados

3/4 cup of white onion chopped

1 teaspoon of salt


Guac 2

In a bowl, add salt to the onions.

Guac 3

This is my secret step: Mash salt into onions until well incorporated. So good!

Guac 4

Cut your avocado in half carefully removing the pit then score it by making vertical and horizontal lines so it forms little cubes. Scoop out and into bowl.

guac 5

Mix it all up and serve!!

How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

A couple of weekends ago, I worked on an exciting project with my students (which I cannot wait to share with you soon). During it, I asked each girl what her favorite topic that we’ve covered during our Mentoring Sessions was. EVERY girl said the advice they got about sleeping better was really helpful, so I decided to share it here on the blog today! Wishing you peaceful sleep tonight!

How to Handle Criticism

Not everyone is going to like you or the things you do. This is a tough lesson, especially for me! When someone has a negative opinion it can hurt. I’ve definitely spent my fair share of time being upset over it. Criticism is unavoidable, but it can be a great way to get to know yourself better. Check out the video to hear my personal story of how I handled criticism and what you can do.



How to be the Life of the Party

It’s a common misconception that being the life of the party means being the most outgoing person in the room. It’s not about what you look like or who can’t take their eyes off of you, it’s all about the energy you bring you into the room. Standing out in a positive way means glittering from the inside out. Got somewhere to be? Try these quick tips for lighting up a room!

 How to be the life of the party pic

Everything You Need to Know Before Going to Prom

The whole prom process was stressful for me. Between asking someone to the dance (I went to an all girls high school), finding a dress that I actually felt good in, and praying that I was invited to an after-party, I didn’t really have that much fun because of all the pressure I put on myself. Today’s video is all the best Modern Mentor advice for having authentic fun at prom!




What to do when you Hate the Number on the Scale

I don’t know one person who hasn’t at one point or another been hard on themselves about their weight. A few weeks ago girls asked me about this in mentoring and the next night my friends brought it up at dinner. It’s a universal “Me too,” experience. We humans have attached a lot of meaning to what we see on the scale, which is a waste of energy. Your weight is not an accurate measurement of who you are as a person. Real happiness comes from the inside out; not what you see on a scale. Check out the video for some body love advice:




What to do when Mom stops you from doing something fun!

So the title of this one is pretty self-explanatory, but it’s one of the main questions I get. Sometimes our parents can feel like a roadblock to our fun, but what if there was another way to look at it? Check out the video below!




Are You Having Authentic Fun?

Want to be happier in your friendships? It all comes down to authentic fun. Check out the video to learn what authentic fun is and how to get it because it’s the key to building fulfilling relationships. Trust me! You want this!