Who is in your Front Row?

During the holidays someone asked me, “Who’s in your front row?” and it really stuck with me. This question is a friendship game changer! We are a reflection of the company we keep. Check out the video to learn who’s in your front row and why it’s important. OH, and you’ll get to see a cute furry guest! 








How to get in the Habit of Liking your Body

Sometimes it’s hard to like the way you look. When we think or do negative things to our bodies, it can become a habit without us even knowing it. In today’s video, I’m giving step by step advice for creating happy body habits. You were given your body so that you could share your gifts, not get upset when it doesn’t look the way you want. Check out this video to learn how to make liking yourself a habit!











Snow Day Healthy Pumpkin Doughnut Holes

Back to school after the holiday break is always rough, but winter classes mean the possibility of snow days. For me, snow days are always about baking (or making pancakes) or both and I wanted to share a healthier version of doughnuts.  These are made like muffins, but roll them in cinnamon sugar and yum… doughnuts!

Donut Ingredients 

Makes 24 mini donuts holes

1 ½ cups almond flour

pinch of salt 

½ tsp baking soda

1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

2 TBS coconut oil

2 TBS honey

2 large eggs

3/4 cup canned pumpkin

1 mashed banana

(I threw a handful of dark chocolate chips in my second batch because I had some to use!)

Mini muffin tin

Cinnamon Sugar (I used coconut sugar) for rolling

Pre-heat the oven to 325 degrees. In a mixing bowl combine almond flour, salt baking soda, and  pumpkin pie spice then add the coconut oil, honey, eggs, pumpkin and banana until smooth.

Grease the mini-muffin pan (I used a tiny bit of coconut oil) and spoon in batter.



Bake at 325° for 15-20 minutes or until a tooth pick comes out clean.



Let cool, scoop out, then roll in cinnamon sugar.

Cinnamon Sugar Donut


The Best of 2014!

This year has been incredible! It’s been such a pleasure to guide you and I wanted to share my top videos of  2014! Thanks for making this year so special!


What to do if you’re not Invited to a Party 




How I Stopped Gossiping 




What to do when you’re Mad at Yourself 




What to do when you can’t Invite all your Friends to your Birthday Party 




How to be Popular 




What to do if a Boy Doesn’t Ask you to Dance

‘Tis the season of school dances! I heard so many stories of girls not having a good time at a dance because a boy didn’t ask them to dance or because they were rejected when they asked someone else. Check out the video below to see why your good time doesn’t depend on a boy and what to remember if someone doesn’t want to dance with you (because I’ve been there)!


What I Wish I Knew…

I’m so excited for today’s video! Before starting any new school year, I was totally scared. So many things ran through my mind. Trust me and watch the video. I share how my first day of high school went… eek. I was nervous about making friends, doing well in school, worried about what I looked like. I needed a big sister to ask all my first day questions to, which is why I’m introducing the Prep Series. Join me this summer and learn how to survive middle school, high school and college!


Why we all Need a Mentor

I call my work Modern Mentoring, which is just a fancy word for big sister. I’m the big sis in my family and it was sometimes hard having to do everything first. When I needed advice I had to find someone who had done it before me. Mentors have been SO important in my life and that’s why I love my job!

