Authentic Posting and the Story you’re Creating

Today I’m sharing a video that I filmed at my Party Series lecture. At my Prep Programs a huge majority of our Q&A was spent on posting, texting, and communicating in general so I wanted to share a little clip about authentic posting and how we’re showing ourselves online (and if matches how we are in person). How do you know you’ve posted authentically? Let me know in the comments below!




Modern Mentor Tips for Texting

Confession: I LOVE to talk… but sometimes texting can be confusing! In this video, I break down my tips for texting.

Do you Know how Powerful you are?

When I was a kid, there was a rhyme “stick and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me” and even as I type this out I cannot believe how untrue this is. Our words make us incredibly powerful. We have the power to tell someone something that could make them feel terrible or we could say things that bring such joy and here’s the deal: we get to choose. Click play to find out how powerful you really are.