a pep talk on navigating the unknown

I know there’s so much unknown right now (like what will Fall 2020 look like?) and how uncomfortable uncertainty can be especially for college students and recent grads who are already undergoing major transitions. You don’t just have to wait and worry until things get figured out. I actually feel there’s a lot of opportunity if you have the right support! In this pep-talk I share the tips that have helped me navigate this time of uncertainty!

what to know if you’ve been ghosted

if you’ve ever been ghosted (and felt confused or bad about it) this episode is for you. I chat ghosting, what it really means, and share my best relationship advice. also! did you know you can be ghosted in a job situation/ friendships so I got your back and covered those too.

so like… what’s mentoring like?

Mentorship for Post-grads, Teens, and Tweens

because doing anything for the first time can be intimidating and I want to take some of the stress out of it






Sometimes when people think about talking to someone it bring up the idea of sitting in a sterile room with a clinical person. With mentorship we can grab coffee, hang out, take a walk, chat on the phone/FaceTime. It’s not just starring at each other in a cold room! I know college counseling centers can be busy. With mentoring, we chat at times that work for you whether it’s in between classes or on the weekends. ⁣

What do we talk about? ⁣

Truly anything, everything, and nothing. Nervous about starting a conversation? I got you. Don’t want to talk about something? We don’t have to. Have a lot on your chest? Vent away! Want to meditate? We can do that too. This is for you!⁣

What happens after? ⁣

Growth is not linear. I encourage all my students to be gentle with themselves. Mentorship is a form of self-care and know that I have your back (I’ll even tell you in follow-up texts)! ⁣

Sending everyone  a big hug!

work with maggie

On Becoming a Different Version of Yourself


On becoming a different version of yourself⁣:

(as I sit in the uncomfortable-ness of my own change!!) ⁣

This has been on my mind lately. Maybe it’s summer turning into fall, but I just feel a lot of change all around me. ⁣

It’s okay to evolve into a different version of yourself. It can be overwhelming to feel sort of unrecognizable to yourself, but it’s all part of growth. I know a lot of my college freshmen feel this way. Any experience that stretches you or helps you evaluate what you want and how to get there, can be uncomfortable. You’re just becoming a more truthful version of yourself. Be patient. Be gentle. Have a dance party. Cry. Call your mentors. Tell the people you love, that you love them. This too shall pass. 📸 by @maja_bee